Change in time of agrochemical soil parameters after tomato mineral fertilization

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Diana Moigradean
Mariana-Atena Poiana
Liana Maria Alda
Simion Alda
Despina-Maria Bordean


The paper presents the results regarding the effect of different NPK fertilization doses on change, during
three years of agrochemical soil parameters after tomato mineral fertilization. The following agrochemical
indicators were analyzed: pH, humus, total nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and mobile potassium content.
The experience was done in a cambric cernosium soil, with low acidity reaction, very good content in
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and the high natural fertility potential favorable vegetables cultivation in
Romanian Western Plain area. The experimental field is located in temperate climatic area, characterized by
Koppen classification in the formula Cfbx. The study was performed on control soil samples (without
fertilizers) and soil samples after differentiated NPK fertilization in variable dozes: N30P30K30, N45P45K45,
N60P60K60 and N120P60K60. Tomato fertilization with mineral fertilizer determines, in time, significant
modifications of agrochemical soil parameters. To preserve the soil quality must find the optimum dose of
NPK fertilizer in tomato crop fertilization.

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How to Cite
Moigradean, Diana, Mariana-Atena Poiana, Liana Maria Alda, Simion Alda, and Despina-Maria Bordean. 2012. “Change in Time of Agrochemical Soil Parameters After Tomato Mineral Fertilization”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 1 (1. suppl.):370-75.

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