Is the 100-week egg production cycle a sufficient breakthrough opportunity on the commodity market in the light of the economic turnmoils of 2021-2022?

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István Szabó
János Felföldi
József Horváth


In times of accelerated economical changes dominated by technology, the values of scheduled and completed agricultural innovations need to be evaluated in the light of new trends and challenges.
Our data generated in the past years shows great results, but the often-exponential changes may override the meaning of these values. However, new times opens new opportunities: this 100-week egg production technology, designed and developed on firm with excellent economic result provides additional economical and social opportunities fulfilling an important role in an ever-changing environment.
The technology described in the thesis with its particular parameters highlights the importance of long-term, uncompromised, natural pattern based approach. This approach opens positive value innovation and development circles and enables such technological approach, that ensures continuous improvement, sustainable operation meeting also the social requirements.
The demonstrated results from the presented study are excellent, but in terms of other revenues it is necessary to establish complete systems and to carry out appropriate verification audits before their practical application.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Szabó, István, János Felföldi, és József Horváth. 2022. „Is the 100-Week Egg Production Cycle a Sufficient Breakthrough Opportunity on the Commodity Market in the Light of the Economic Turnmoils of 2021-2022?”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 11 (1-2):197-203.

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