Creating the Conceptual and Logical Model of a Journal Database




database planning, entity-relationship model, relational model


This article describes the process of creating the conceptual and logical model of a journal database. To efficiently extract the information from the articles published in the journal so far, the idea of creating a database has emerged. To create a database, it is recommended to design a high-level conceptual model and convert that into a logical data model. The benefit of the thoughtful design is that it shows the structure of the database in an easily comprehensible form. The entity-relationship model is a fast and efficient way to create the conceptual model and it can be easily converted to a relational database model, which is a logical model. The initial version of the entity-relationship model of the journal database had one entity type, 25 attributes, and no relationship. The final version contained three entity types, 39 attributes, and three relationships. This final conceptual model was converted to a logical model, the relational model. The result was ten tables to store entity data with 22 different fields and another three tables to ensure the relationships between the tables. The developed model can be created in a relational database manager and is suitable for serving information needs related to the journal.


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How to Cite

Hampel, G. (2022). Creating the Conceptual and Logical Model of a Journal Database. Analecta Technica Szegedinensia, 16(1), 110–121.


