Comparative analysis of cattle, buffalo and bison meat




meat, cattle, buffalo, bison, comparative analysis


Nowadays, the consumption of bison meat is becoming more widespread worldwide, while it’s experiencing a renaissance in the United States. For the industry, this could lead to the emergence of a new market sector in the future. It is important to examine the extent to which the quality of its meat differs from that of the usual cattle or buffalo returning to the public consciousness. Our measurements were performed on the loin of bison, buffalo and cattle, including Angus cattle based on the consumer price per 100 grams of product, instrumental colour measurement, instrumental stock measurement, cooking, roasting and pressing loss, instrumental analytical examination and sensory evaluation. During our research, we concluded that bison meat may become a very popular product in Hungary in the future. There is a clear place for the consumption of both buffalo meat and bison meat in a health-conscious diet based on the measured results.


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How to Cite

Molnár, Ádám, Lőrincz, Ádám, Szepesi-Bencsik, D., & Mihalkó, J. (2023). Comparative analysis of cattle, buffalo and bison meat. Analecta Technica Szegedinensia, 17(2), 16–23.




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