A gazdaság térszerkezetének változásai Észak-Magyarországon az ezredforduló után

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Gábor Koncz
Antónia Szűcs
Dóra Nagyné Demeter


The study focuses on the spatial dimensions of the economic development. These dimensions were described based on processing the databases of National Tax and Customs Administration, Ministry for National Economy and Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Spatial processes of the economy in the North Hungarian region were analysed by information related to personal income tax, the highlights of corporate tax returns, economic activity and demographic processes (with special regard to migration). We have examined, how changed the importance of traditionally determining centres and axes of the region's spatial structure after the Millennium. We paid particular attention to processes along the "North-East Hungary Innovation Axis" as well as in the outer and inner periphery areas of the region. The lagging region was characterized by a further breakdown between 2005 and 2010 compared to the national average. However, there were clear signs of catching up in the 2010s. The growth of domestic income in some peripheral areas was particularly spectacular, but the gross added value of enterprises still concentrated on cities and some key rural settlements. In a longer period, the unfavourable demographic processes can hinder the further development.


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How to Cite
Koncz, Gábor, Antónia Szűcs, and Dóra Nagyné Demeter. 2018. “A gazdaság térszerkezetének változásai Észak-Magyarországon Az Ezredforduló után”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 13 (1-2):139-49. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2018.1-2.139-149.
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